Freiheit, Gesundheit
Schutz & Bildung



Thanks for your vote of confidence!


Thanks to glowing reviews by our supporters and the children we serve, NYF has earned a GreatNonprofits 2013 Top-Rated Award.

We are proud of this ranking because it assures you that we are efficiently doing the work of educating, nourishing and caring for Nepal’s neediest children.

GreatNonprofits is the leading provider of reviews and ratings of nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. Top-Rated Award winners are selected entirely by people who have had direct experience with the nonprofit. Only 1,400 nonprofits received this award out of an estimated 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States.

Here is a sampling of some of the things people had to say about us:

“I met Olga Murray some years ago and was immensely impressed with her and her charity. That one woman should change the lives for the better of all these children is truly remarkable. I shall very happily continue to donate.”

“Olga, Som, Chori and the rest of NYF team are a great inspiration! Our foundation is proud to support NYF and the project „counselling services for freed indentured girls“ since 2011 (especially the activities related to the psychological counselling center in Western Nepal). Our field visit and meetings with the girls last year will always remain in our memory!”

“I am one of the students who survived and did something good by the unforgettable help of Nepal Youth Foundation. I have been taken care from the grass root level until now and my achievement up to now is all attributed to NYF. I would like to thank from my heart inside and would like to help at any point of my life if I am given a chance.

To the point, NYF is one of the former row social organizations working for welfare of needy and helpless citizen in Nepal and should be honored for such a great contribution.”

Thank you for your support! Namaste.

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